Leveraging Leadership for Responsible Research and Innovation in Territories
RRI-LEADERS project explores the application and sustainability of the RRI paradigm within territorial research and innovation systems, with a special emphasis on instrumentalising territorial leadership in the design of policies that are anticipatory, inclusive, reflexive and responsive.
Final Policy Conference
The project adopts the usual understanding of RRI, as defined by von Schomberg: “A transparent, interactive process by which societal actors and innovators become mutually responsive to each other with a view to the (ethical) acceptability, sustainability and societal desirability of the innovation process and its marketable products”, but as a particular feature, it will also include societal actors as co-creators in the innovation processes, and enable leadership in the development of policies with a future outlook.
Leveraging shared leadership in the uptake of Responsible Research and Innovation across four diverse territories with a view of:

Facilitating the adoption of RRI principles within territorial governance objectives through innovative, inclusive and responsive multi-actor approach to the development of policies on issues related to science and innovation.

About us
RRI-LEADERS represents a partnership of nine organisations, of which five are methodological partners and four are territorial partners, collectively coming from five countries – Bulgaria, Denmark, Greece, Spain (Catalonia) and Switzerland, led by the Applied Research and Communications Fund (Bulgaria).

The Transformative Outlooks will be the final outcomes obtained after the whole co-creation process. They will provide a future-oriented action plan with strategies and measures for implementing the intended transformation in each of the territories to improve RRI.