Work plan

RRI audits in the involved territories and partners
This work package aims at establishing a clear baseline of existing practices and policy developments in the policy areas chosen by the participating territories that are o have the potential to integrate the RRI keys and AIRR dimensions. It provides a launching point for mainstreaming the RRI-AIRR approach in relevant policy goals, implementation routines, and municipal/regional strategies.
It comprises the following tasks:
1. Mapping territorial R&I eco-systems and stakeholders
2. Mapping territorial RRI systems discourse
3. Territorial RRI audit report
4. Internal RRI reviews
DELPHI exploration of consensus about future orientations for RRI in the involved territories
WP3 uses DELPHI methods to assess dissensus and barriers and to reach consensus about possible and feasible future pathways for a better RRI integration for each territory. The feasible development pathways are the basis for the development of the transformative outlooks for each territory in WP4.
It comprises the following tasks:
1. Design of DELPHI instrument, composition of DELPHI panels and pilot testing
2. Delphi surveys
3. Compounding analysis of DELPHI survey results
4. Synthesis and final input for the transformative outlooks in the involved territories
Development of RRI-AIRR Transformative Outlooks in the participating territories
WP4 builds upon and helps define the requirements for WP2 and WP3 results and will expand the scope of territorial actors’ inclusion to ensure the involvement of citizens and community groups without an institutionalised representation (youth, elderly, consumers, interest groups, and others).
It comprises the following tasks:
1. Setting up the basis for the transformative outlooks
2. Citizen review panels method design
3. Finalising the Transformative Outlooks for the Regional Association of Local Government of Western Macedonia (Greece), for the Sofia Development Agency (Bulgaria), the town of Thalwil (Switzerland), and for Promoció Econòmica de Sabadell (Catalonia, Spain)
Policy learning and evaluation
WP5 will levarage policy impacts from the knowledge generated through WP2, WP3 and WP4.
It consists of the following tasks:
1. Policy briefs:
- 1st Policy brief, June 2022
3. Elaborating a vision for RRI-AIRR as a territorial policy leadership framework
4. Final policy conference “Territories as leaders in Responsible Research and Innovation”, Brussels, 19th October 2023
Communication, dissemination and exploitation
WP6 ensures that the RRI-LEADERS’ results will reach and be endorsed by its main audiences.
It comprises the following tasks:
1. Internal communication infrastructure
2. Communication and dissemination plan and compendium of results
3. Project visual identity, communication/dissemination templates and guides
4. Website and social media
5. Communication and dissemination activities
6. Exploitation and endorsement of the Transformative Outlooks.