Between October and December 2021 four territorial RRI audit reports were drafted with the objective of:

  • establishing the relevance of RRI-AIRR approach to the chosen policy focus of the territories of Western Macedonia, Sofia Municipality, Municipality of Thalwil and City of Sabadell and Catalonia
  • establishing a baseline of existing practices and policy developments (in the policy areas chosen by the participating territories) that have already integrated or have the potential to integrate the RRI keys and AIRR dimensions
  • providing input to a Delphi survey focused on future orientations for RRI in the four participating territories

The reports were presented during four focus groups held in each territory with 123 representatives of the Quadruple Helix: One focus group with participants from science, one focus group with participants from public bodies, one focus group with industry representatives, and one focus group with civil society actors and citizens. They discussed and reflected on the draft reports’ findings and their views were incorporated into the final audit territorial reports published in December 2021:

These reports provide a synthesis of findings from the mapping of the territorial R&I ecosystems and stakeholders, as well as of the RRI discourses; present the findings of SWOTS analyses and TOWS matrixes made by the partners; and a summary of discussions in focus groups. They conclude with policy recommendations and conclusions and were finally merged in a synthesis report “RRI Audit Reports – compendium of the individual reports of the involved territories“.