WBC-RRI.NET aims to foster the application of RRI principles at the territorial level in five (5) Western Balkan -4 region-level and 1 country-level- R&I ecosystems and promote a multi-level steering R&I governance framework in the WBCs. RRI principles will act as enablers to the shared learning and diffusion of R&I governance innovations at territorial level, enhancing R&I planning, including S3 Strategies in the WBCs. The project’s approach evolving through an analytical, reflective and implementation thread, will operationally address the 5 WB territories (partners represent all parts of the quadruple helix) and subsequently influence the wider WB region, by activating the embedding of RRI into their R&I ecosystems. This will be realised by RRI activities throughout the entire project (horizontal aspect), raising an active dialogue in the wider WB region and fostering the comprehension of all RRI pillars under a holistic framework based on a ‘smart directionality’ approach, offering stakeholder engagement with a focus on citizen participation. Alongside, 5 RRI ‘anchor’ initiatives (vertical aspect), as interventions touching in-depth specific RRI keys, territorial features and scientific domains, will allow RRI principles to be rooted in the territorial ecosystems leading to concrete impact to R&I territorial policies and societal regional needs. Finally, impact evaluation and dissemination activities focus on the project’s long-term sustainability.
International EU-funded Project
The project Embedding RRI in Western Balkan Countries: Enhancement of Self-Sustaining R&I Ecosystems, highly recognized by its acronym WBC-RRI.NET, is part of the H2020-SwafS-2018-2020 programme, with grant agreement No. 101006279.
RRI in the Western Balkan Countries
WBC-RRI.NET fosters the application of Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) at the territorial level in five Western Balkan Research and Innovation (R&I) ecosystems and promotes a multi-level governance framework for steering R&I in the Western Balkans (WB). Although Western Balkan countries have improved in terms of R&I performance, research and innovation efforts should be further enhanced.
Smart Specialization Strategies
RRI principles act as enablers to the shared learning and diffusion of R&I governance innovations at territorial level, including Smart Specialization Strategies (S3) in the WBCs. The framework is based on a ‘smart directionality’ approach. R&I planning and S3 strategies have the potential to be characterised by an RRI-driven open and inclusive approach, entailing a comprehensive stakeholder involvement and engagement with a focus on citizens’ participation.
Five different WB territories
The project’s approach will operationally address Province of Vojvodina (Serbia), Kune-Vain-Tale ecosystem (Albania), Republic of Srpska (Bosnia and Herzegovina), Country of Montenegro and Skopje planning region (North Macedonia), and will activate the embedding of RRI into them.
RRI approach
The procedural approach of RRI contains the following conditions, that are a priori inherent into RRI processes and therefore applicable to the development of (regional) R&I ecosystems: anticipation while contemplating on the possible or unintended results and applications of R&I in accordance to societal goals; inclusion when considering the perspective of individuals from all layers of an ecosystem; reflexion when considering the context-based circumstances and motivations of a given situation; responsiveness referring to how the actors involved react to the new state/knowledge resulting after the aforementioned reflections.
Vertical Aspect of Implementation
Within a vertical aspect, the all-encompassing activities are accompanied by the development and implementation of 5 RRI ‘anchor’ initiatives in each territory. The RRI ‘anchor’ initiatives are specific interventions that will touch in-depth specific RRI keys and territorial features and will focus on specific scientific domains in each WB territory.
Local R&I Systems
RRI principles can enable the sustainable development of the local R&I systems, enhancing the effectiveness of R&I strategies contributing to the advancement of Western Balkan socio-economic progress in a transparent, open, and inclusive way through active participation of all quadruple helix actors.
Horizontal Aspect of Implementation
Within a horizontal aspect, we foster comprehension of all RRI pillars. This will be realised by all-encompassing RRI activities extending throughout the entire project, raising an active dialogue in the wider WB macro-region and fostering the comprehension of all RRI pillars and principles under a holistic framework.