Recommendations to facilitate the implementation of the open science model in Spain
The aim of the recently published Recommendations to the Spanish Government to Facilitate the Implementation of the Open Science Model in Spain is to “propose short- and medium-term recommendations to the Spanish government on further implementation of open science, especially for the Ministry of Science and Innovation and the Ministry of Universities, and for the research and university councils of Spain’s autonomous communities […], but also for funding and assessment agencies, universities, and research institutes.” 1
The document has been developed within the Open Science in Spain project , coordinated by Dr. Ernest Abadal and Candela Ollé from the University of Barcelona, and focused on promoting and advancing the principles and practices of open science within the context of Spain.
The document comprises two main sections. “The first is an introduction presenting international and Spanish background information related to recommendations on open science, a description of the Spanish legal framework and five objectives of the recommendations. The second section offers a brief outline of a set of recommendations for each of the five established objectives, three of which are related to strategic lines of open science (open access, research data, and research assessment) while the other two are cross-cutting objectives (education and operational management).”
These recommendations are available in Spanish, English, and Catalan.