The transformative potential of responsible research and innovation in territorial policymaking
The second policy-learning workshop gathered representatives of the four-helix stakeholders of Sabadell (Catalonia), Sofia (Bulgaria), Thalwil (Switzerland), and Western Macedonia (Greece) in the city of Sabadell on the 20th and 21st October 2022.
Together with the partners of RRI-LEADERS, they discussed the results of the project obtained after an exhaustive analysis of the existing practices and policy developments in the territorial chosen foci, and after conducting three rounds of DELPHI surveys with experts.
On 20th October the workshop started with the keynote speaker Sergio Martínez Pérez (technician in the Economic Affairs and European Funds Secretary, Economy and Funding Ministry, Catalan Government). The event was open to any interested stakeholder.
Photo: Jo Szczepanska on Unsplash.